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Auspicious Navratna Jewellery - significance of gemstones in astrology and lesser known facts

Auspicious Navratna Jewellery - significance of gemstones in astrology and lesser known facts

India has a rich and varied heritage of jewellery design. In Indian society , jewellery is not meant for adornment alone. Imparting protection to the wearer has been and still is an important function.

Nowhere is this better illustrated than in 'Navratna Jewellery ' - meaning jewellery made up of a combination of "nine gems". Jewellery created in this style has important cultural significance in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.


Navratna Jewellery is recognised as sacred and royal in almost all the countries of Asia, regardless of religious and cultural differences.

According to Hindu astrology, life on earth is influenced by the navagrahas, or nine influencers. The placement of the navagrahas in one's horoscope supposedly has an influence throughout an individual's life. Wearing the nine gems is said to provide an astrological balance and benefit to the wearer. Navratna jewellery brings harmony between man and the planets that are believed to control his destiny.

The placement of gemstones in Navratna jewellery follows a set pattern. A ruby (representing the Sun) is always in the center, surrounded (clockwise from the top) by a diamond (for Shukra or Venus), a natural pearl (for Chandra or Moon), red coral (for Mangala or Mars), hessonite (for Rahu, the ascending lunar node), a blue sapphire for Shani (Saturn),cat's eye (for Ketu , the descending lunar node), a yellow sapphire (for Brahaspati or Jupiter) and an emerald (for Budha or Mercury).

The supposed astrological benefit of wearing gems has not been scientifically quantified, yet it has been practiced by men and women since ages.

In KO's latest collection we offer a range of Sterling Silver handcrafted Navratna Temple Jewellery in unique designs. Crafted using Natural Pearl, Cat's Eye, Garnet, Recreated Coral and Zircon, the pieces in this collection are a feast for the eyes.

Some of the pieces like the Ashtalakshmi Necklace, Gandaberunda Pendant Set, Avaroha Earrings combine motifs from antique temple jewellery - like Lakshmi, Makara with Navratna gemstones. Crafted with great skill and designed with utmost care it has taken us four months to create this bespoke collection.

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1 comment

  • Sumit Kumar

    Wow! The wonderful collection of jewelry. Thanks for sharing such great post.

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